Forschungsdaten managen – Bausteine für eine dezentrale, forschungsnahe Unterstützung
At present, (inter-)national research data infrastructure services are about to be established. Central infrastructure facilities such as libraries and IT centers should not wait for this, but even now should meet the needs of the scientists at their University for research support. It is apparent that only research data services that are tailored to the specific needs of a scientific community are really considered supportive by scientists. This is in line with the findings at RWTH Aachen University. The decentral institutes are very diverse with regard to the support they already provide to their researchers. How can central infrastructure facilities such as libraries and IT centers develop suitable support for researchers in this context? This paper presents the modular approach that has been adopted by RWTH Aachen University and explains practical services which are offered centrally. We also discuss why technology independent, process oriented interfaces are well suited both for research support for scientists and the future integration into the emerging (inter-)national research data infrastructures.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Dominik Schmitz, Marius Politze
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