National Contact Point Open Access OA2020-DE

Aims, tasks and achievements




open access, ebooks, journals, pilot projects, OA2020


The open access movement has produced many initiatives and approaches over the last 15 years which have led to remarkable advances in the free availability of scientific publications. A key success factor is the interaction of different transformation approaches with a public open access infrastructure. In the current debate about open access on fair conditions and the need for a public open access infrastructure, it is often neglected that the growth rates of gold open access publications are still very low. An obvious assumption to explain these low growth rates is the still fairly small number of open access gold journals on the publication market. Although some gold open access journals are now among the top journals - based on the amount of published articles - this is far from enough given the total amount of scientific journals to significantly increase gold open access to articles. Therefore, OA2020-DE develops sustainable business models for the open access publishing, together with the publishers and the scientific institutions, paving the way for a complete transformation into gold open access based on existing subscription fees. This article presents the activities of the National Contact Point Open Access OA2020-DE in the field of work described so far.


- ESAC: On the Effectiveness of APCs, 3rd ESAC Workshop in Munich, 28-29 June 2018, Outcome Report,, Stand: 06.11.2018.

- Fund, Sven; Werner, Karin; Pieper, Dirk: Empfehlungen zu Qualitätsstandards für die Open-Access-Stellung von Büchern, Bielefeld 2018. Online:, Stand: 06.11.2018.

- Jobmann, Alexandra: Open Access und Medienerwerb: Erster Transformationsworkshop des Nationalen Open-Access-Kontaktpunkts in Bielefeld, OA2020-DE, 26.04.2018,, Stand: 06.11.2018.

- Jobmann, Alexandra; Pieper, Dirk: Der Nationale Open Access Kontaktpunkt OA2020-DE - Aufgaben und Ziele, 107. Deutscher Bibliothekartag 2018,, Stand: 06.11.2018.

- Knowledge Unlatched,, Stand: 06.11.2018.

- Strecker, Dorothea: Schattenbibliotheken: Ein Krisensymptom der Wissenschaft, irights info,, Stand: 06.11.2018.

- Wohlgemuth, Michael; Rimmert, Christine; Taubert, Niels: Publikationen in Gold-Open-Access-Journalen auf globaler und europäischer Ebene sowie in Forschungsorganisationen, Bielefeld 2017. Online:





Conference proceedings

How to Cite

National Contact Point Open Access OA2020-DE: Aims, tasks and achievements. (2018). O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal Herausgeber VDB, 5(4), 101-112.