Challenges of 'Area Studies' in the 'Regensburg Network Classification Scheme' (RVK)
Regionalstudien, Regensburger VerbundklassifkationAbstract
The interdisciplinary and cross-sectional nature of area studies confronts hierarchical classification systems with particular challenges. These challenges include the disciplinary fragmentation of holdings, the ample use of equivalent classes, too much or too little granularity, or simply a too Western perspective. Also, there are newer research trends that emphasize transregional exchange processes or have spatial units other than the nation state as a vantage point. Moreover, the requirements of virtual interdisciplinary centers need to be taken into consideration. Apart from a brief outlook on the practice of other classification systems and of selected renowned institutions, the focus is on the Regensburg Classification Scheme (RVK): A number of solutions are presented and compared with each other. While some libraries choose to initiate changes in the RVK, others have in-house solutions or approved local deviances from the official scheme; furthermore, holdings can be separated by means of so-called local codes – or the RVK can be consistently adapted. This article aims to provide an overview of the involved factors in a complex field of activity.
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