NS-Raubgut in der Forschungsbibliothek des Herder-Instituts für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung Marburg
In 2016 a research project started at the library of the Herder Institute with the following aims: to investigate the whole collection Publikationsstelle Berlin-Dahlem (Publications Unit Berlin-Dahlem), to record the provenances in the OPAC and to return books, pamphlets and journals which held illegally at the Herder-Institute to their rightful inheritors or successors. The research project is part of the provenance research being pushed forward by the Commissioner for Cultural and Media Affairs with the aim to investigate illegally obtained cultural property in museums, libraries and archives. The Publikationsstelle Berlin-Dahlem collected books which had been confiscated at organisations of Slavic minorities in Germany or looted by the German occupants in Eastern Europe. The Publikationsstelle was well connected in the Nazi administration. The remains of the Publikationsstelle-library in the Herder-Institute comprises about 15 000 volumes. A major part of these is suspected to be Nazi loot. The paper presents six separate provenances, also demonstrating specific problems in identifying and assess Nazi loot.
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