Arousing the interest of local politicians in public library issues

Local political communication management for public libraries


  • Rita Kamm-Schuberth Bildungscampus der Stadt Nürnberg



Public Campaigning, Stadt- und Gemeinderäte, Issue- und Kommunikationsmanagement


Throughout Europe, more than two thirds of all 27 EU countries have general laws governing public libraries. However, local public libraries in Germany still have the status of being largely voluntary services provided and maintained by local authorities for the general benefit of the public. Public libraries have a positive image and attractive target groups. Local political communication management can win over political decision-makers for public library issues. It is a strategic and long-term management role that cannot be delegated. Using a three-step model, the paper shows how local politicians can be turned into adepts, advocates and active supporters of public libraries through information, involvement and instigation, and which communication tools are best suited for this purpose.

Author Biography

  • Rita Kamm-Schuberth, Bildungscampus der Stadt Nürnberg

    Dipl. Volkswirtin

    Leitung Marketing und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Bildungscampus der Stadt Nürnberg


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Conference proceedings

How to Cite

Arousing the interest of local politicians in public library issues: Local political communication management for public libraries. (2019). O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal Herausgeber VDB, 6(4), 1-6.