Der Digitale Assistent DA-3

Eine Plattform für die Inhaltserschließung




Sacherschließung, Digitaler Assistent, halbautomatisch, Erschließung



The “digital assistent" DA-3 is a web-based tool to assist intellectual verbal and classificatory subject cataloguing. The preceding version DA-2 was designed for application in the IBS|BW-Konsortium1 and was presented to a broader professional public in spring 2016. Amid strategic discussions about a sustainable content indexing the community received this development with great interest. Currently, the tool is being developed to a pivotal and powerful service in a collaborative project between Eurospider Information Technology, IBS|BW-Konsortium, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and VZG and BSZ, the two head offices of GBV and SWB, termed to last for three years. The first client libraries in SWB and GBV are successfully working with the DA-3, while it is still under development. The transition to routine use is scheduled for the end of the project phase. The article describes the status quo of the project and its benefit in context of current framework conditions. It presents the features of the DA-3 in detail, offers a glance behind the scenes of the project partners and outlines future development steps.


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How to Cite

Der Digitale Assistent DA-3: Eine Plattform für die Inhaltserschließung. (2019). O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal Herausgeber VDB, 6(3), 1-20.