The Mobility Compass

a VIVO-based approach for exploring interdisciplinary research networks




Current research information system, CRIS, VIVO, Mobility Compass, Transport research, Mobility research, Interdisciplinary research, Research network, Specialised Information Services, Linked Open Data


With the increasing importance of interdisciplinary cooperation, the need for efficient and preferably platform-independent ways to search for suitable experts and network partners is also increasing. In the field of mobility and transport research, the FID move has developed a new and innovative tool for this purpose: the Mobility Compass. Using the already established open-source software VIVO, the Mobility Compass aggregates different databases and provides explorative ways for finding persons of interest. The article describes the technical conception of the tool and explains why VIVO is a suitable choice for this specific purpose. Furthermore, it shows the main functionalities and examine the steps and challenges associated with the implementation more closely. Finally, the article deals with the reusability of the project results and gives a brief outlook on the next steps in the project.





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How to Cite

The Mobility Compass: a VIVO-based approach for exploring interdisciplinary research networks. (2021). O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal Herausgeber VDB, 8(1), 1-9.