Making information more accessible
Augmented and virtual reality at the ETH Library
augmented reality, virtual reality, 360° application, GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, museums), collection holdings, report on findings, eventAbstract
In 2019, the ETH Library and the collections and archives of ETH Zurich took the opportunity to gain experience with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in the context of events on two separate occasions: the Zurich Science Days (Scientifica) and the European Heritage Days. Two applications were created: an AR app that brings butterflies and beetles to life in 3D and a 360° reconstruction of a historic chemistry lab designed for VR headsets that enables users to immerse themselves in the world of ETH Zurich chemistry around the turn of the last century. Both apps used sources such as objects, images, plans and texts from the collections and archives of the ETH Library and ETH Zurich. Visitors reacted positively to the use of AR and VR. The goal of using modern technology to make library, archive and collection holdings more accessible, thus appealing to a broader audience, was achieved.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Claudia Lienhard, Simone Leitner, Agnese Quadri
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.