Next Level Information Dissemination
Videoproduktion an der Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Berlin
Information brokerage, Video productionAbstract
Due to the pandemic, courses at the university library of the Technische Universität Berlin have been held only virtually since March 2020. Thus, it was no longer possible to explore and get to know the library as a place. Therefore, the idea was born to make a film to help new students experience the library in a digital format. What began as a small project for a video-based library tour quickly gained importance and became a new area of expertise for the Teaching Library. In addition to screencasts and recordings of events, real videos now complement the digital content of the university library of the Technische Universität Berlin. Also, the knowledge gained from the video projects was published as a hands-on manual with practical tips and templates for other libraries or public institutions to reuse.
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Glöckner, Sabrina; Hickmann, Johanna; Neuberger, Nele: Vorlagen zum Buch „Videoproduktion in der Bibliothek“, Berlin 2022. Online:, Stand: 14.09.2022.
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Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität Berlin / UBTUBerlin: Playlist Open Access Week 2020, YouTube. Online:, Stand: 14.09.2022.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Johanna Hickmann, Sabrina Glöckner, Nele Neuberger
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.