Qualitätssicherung für die Lehre
Ein Supervisionsprojekt von Universitätsbibliothek und hochschuldidaktischem Zentrum der TU München
Teaching, Information literacy, Supervision, DidacticsAbstract
Today, information literacy training is a part of the standard service offered by most libraries. But very few colleagues have any educational qualification or training in didactics. How can librarians make sure that their courses are structured in a didactically sensible way, that presentation and course design engage the participants and that they develop as teachers? The University Library (UB) of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) currently offers an extensive training programme consisting of 17 different courses, giving approximately 300 courses per year. In the winter semester 2019/20, the library conducted a supervision project with the TUM’s centre for media and higher education didactics - ProLehre. The aim was to obtain a professional view of the courses from an external perspective and to support the librarians in their role as teachers by providing structured, constructive feedback. This article describes the planning and implementation of the project. It also reports on where the project plan had to be adapted, what the feedback from the participants was like and how the library wants to ensure the quality of its courses beyond the project by introducing peer observation as a permanent feature.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dorothea Lemke, Caroline Leiß
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