Open-Access-Publikationen mit OS-APS medienneutral und mit automatisiertem Corporate Design erstellen

Anforderungserhebung, Schlussfolgerungen für den Publikationsworkflow und Stand der Umsetzung




Media-neutral publishing, Automatic typesetting, Open access, Open source


The University Library of Erlangen-Nuremberg, the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt and the technology company SciFlow in Berlin are jointly developing the “Open Source Academic Publishing Suite (OS-APS)”, which is supposed to enable publishers to create e-books easily and automatically according to their style guidelines. OS-APS will enable an XML-based single-source publishing workflow. The software will integrate import, editing and export functions so that the manuscript formats that commonly occur in publishing houses (e.g., DOCX or ODT) can be imported, analysed and converted into the desired format (e.g., EPUB, PDF, HTML or XML) in the publisher’s corporate design with just a few mouse clicks. In addition, OS-APS will connect to the publication platforms Open Journal Systems (OJS) and Open Monograph Press (OMP) as well as the repository software DSpace. In order to get an idea of the publishers’ requirements for the software in advance, a requirements analysis in the form of an online survey was conducted at the beginning of the project. Questions were asked about manuscript submission and processing, publication formats and future potential in publishing. The results of this survey have been incorporated into the development.

This paper begins with a brief introduction to the basics of publishing with XML before presenting the BMBF-funded project OS-APS, including the envisaged workflow and the individual software components. This is followed by the results of the requirements elicitation and the resulting conclusions for the workflow. Finally, the involvement of the community and the next steps regarding the development are discussed


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Conference proceedings

How to Cite

Open-Access-Publikationen mit OS-APS medienneutral und mit automatisiertem Corporate Design erstellen: Anforderungserhebung, Schlussfolgerungen für den Publikationsworkflow und Stand der Umsetzung. (2022). O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal Herausgeber VDB, 9(4), 1-19.