Educational cooperation of public libraries during the lockdowns

Results of an online survey about how to address schools for digital reading and media education




Educational cooperations, Lockdown, Libraries, Learning spaces, Digital competencies


Based on a nationwide questionnaire survey, the following article presents data on educational collaborations before and during the lockdown as well as on the librarians’ self-assessment of their competence in teaching reading and media skills digitally. It shows which learning spaces libraries could offer during the lockdown and how schools used these offerings. The consequences that the libraries themselves drew from their experiences during the lockdown are reflected against the background of the interests of other educational partner institutions, and conclusions are drawn for the design of educational cooperation and the training and continuing education of librarians.


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Conference proceedings

How to Cite

Educational cooperation of public libraries during the lockdowns: Results of an online survey about how to address schools for digital reading and media education. (2022). O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal Herausgeber VDB, 9(4), 1-13.