Dasselbe in Grün
Analysetool zur automatisierten Identifizierung von Publikationen mit Zweitveröffentlichungspotenzial
Open Access, EZB, Elektronic Journals Library, OA-EZB, ConsortiaAbstract
Identifying publications that may be republished based on open access rights (OA rights) from alliance, national or consortium licenses has so far involved a considerable amount of (often manual) work. This includes not only determining which license agreements with OA rights one’s own institution participates in, but also identifying which journals are affected. OA rights are recorded in a structured manner in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) and made available on a journal and institution specific basis via the OA-EZB interface. Using the OA-EZB interface, the University Library of Regensburg provides an online analysis tool that, given a list of publications, automatically identifies those that are eligible for self-archiving.
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Über die EZB, https://ezb.ur.de/about, Stand: 11.07.2022.
Über die Universität Regensburg, https://www.uni-regensburg.de/universitaet/startseite/index.html, Stand: 11.07.2022.
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- 2022-12-11 (2)
- 2022-12-06 (1)
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