Tschechien im Blick deutscher Bibliotheken
Die Bohemica-Sammlung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek und ihre FID-Services für die Tschechienforschung
Bavarian State Library, Specialised Information Service, Eastern Europe collection, Czechia, Free web resourcesAbstract
The 8th German Library Congress 2022 marked the beginning of a three-year intense partnership between the German and Czech professional library worlds. On this occasion, the paper gives insight into the Bohemian and Moravian collection of the Bavarian State Library in Munich that ranks as one of the most important of its kind in Germany and in the world. Furthermore, it discusses recent developments of the Munich-based Specialised Information Service (FID) for Russian, East, and Southeast European Studies with a focus on its information services on the Czech lands. On the one hand, it is shown how difficult it is to define a specifically “Czech collection” with regard to historical stock. It is also debatable that Czech holdings in German libraries are usually assigned to the Eastern European collections. On the other hand, the paper focuses on how to deal with freely available resources on the Web as they play an increasingly important role and require new concepts for “acquisition” – also with regard to science production on and from Czechia. These and other challenges related to the ongoing digital transformation might also be a rich topic in the professional exchange with our Czech partners.
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