Wissen, was verbindet
GND-Arbeit zwischen Terminologie und Redaktion
Integrated Authority File (GND), Editing of subject headings, Authority data, Terminology work, Cooperative work on authority dataAbstract
The Integrated Authority File (GND) has become an indispensable tool in librarianship and will increasingly be used in other cultural and scientific institutions, too. This article argues that the cooperative editorial work on the GND done by the library networks in the German-speaking area is of decisive importance for the maintenance and development of the authority file. After a brief historical overview, the focus and special features of the current terminology work are illustrated by means of several examples. Finally, the article addresses the question how the editorial work on the GND can be adapted to future challenges (e.g. the growing use of machine indexing and the cross-linking with other vocabularies).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Guido Bee, Martin Horstkotte, Yvonne Jahns, Helga Karg, Julijana Nadj-Guttandin
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.