Nachhaltigkeit in sechs Handlungsfeldern

Ein Kriterienkatalog als praktischer Leitfaden bei der Erarbeitung von Nachhaltigkeitskonzepten für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken




Libraries, Academic libraries, Sustainability, Sustainable development strategy, Collection of examples


Sustainability is a highly relevant topic not only for society, but also in higher education institutions. For academic libraries, too, as service providers and internal institutional actors, taking part in sustainability efforts of their institution is becoming increasingly relevant. Based on a general discussion of the importance of sustainable development and the role that libraries can play in this context, a catalog of criteria is presented. It shows the fields of action for sustainability for academic libraries in a structured manner, with recommended measures for practical implementation based on various indicators. The catalog thus functions both as a strategic framework model and an operational toolbox.


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How to Cite

Nachhaltigkeit in sechs Handlungsfeldern: Ein Kriterienkatalog als praktischer Leitfaden bei der Erarbeitung von Nachhaltigkeitskonzepten für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken. (2023). O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal Herausgeber VDB, 10(3), 1-16.