Ein innovatives Lehr- / Lernkonzept für Promovierende
Als Teaching Librarian Forschung proaktiv begleiten
Information literacy, Research cycle, Teaching library, Inverted classroom model, Digital teaching and learning, SustainabilityAbstract
A subject-specific teaching/learning concept for information and media literacy is presented for the target group of doctoral students. Although the retrieval of documents seems to have become very easy due to Google-like search systems and the digitisation of many resources, in practice there are many possibilities to make mistakes. Therefore, the targeted teaching of effective research techniques is becoming increasingly important. Also, librarians get the chance to design specific learning opportunities and libraries can reposition themselves as places of learning. The overall goal of the teaching/learning concept presented here is to enable students to conduct a systematic literature review on their own. The course programme for doctoral students is oriented towards current didactic-methodological guidelines and exemplarily adapted to the research process of a natural science discipline (here: geosciences). The multimedia-based course enables individual learning paths, can be used sustainably and is transferable to other disciplines
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