Entwicklung eines Blended Learning Kurses zum Forschungsdatenmanagement an der RWTH Aachen University
Forschungsdatenmanagement, Blended Learning, WeiterbildungAbstract
In the context of a MALIS project a course for research data management at the RWTH Aachen University is presented. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the current course program, the course concept focuses especially on the researchers’ goals and expectations. We use MOMBI as the teaching strategy for the blended learning course. The course follows the flipped classroom approach and consists of a preceding online phase for self-paced learning, followed by an attendance workshop for consolidation. The following article introduces the learning objectives, the course structure and its contents.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Daniela Adele Hausen, Jürgen Windeck
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.